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Severe chest pain, is how I remember that day in the mid 1990's. I had arrived at work, shortly after exercising at the fitness center ...

Friday, May 30, 2014

What is Healthy?

We all have our own idea of what healthy is.

Our ideas are based on things we have learned over time, either through the media, magazines, friends, family, school or experience. How do we know what healthy is? When did it all become so complicated?

Let's start with FOOD:

According to Michael Pollan's book "In Defense of Food" it all became complicated back in the 1970's when the government tasked a Senate Select Committee led by George McGovern to find out what was making American's fat. The committee responded that Americans need to eat less red meat and dairy. Interested groups lobbied and things were changed; specific foods are no longer called out. Of course there is much more to this than just meat and dairy. Another of Michael's books "The Omnivore's Dilemma" tries to follow the food from the field to the plate. He does this in 3 different settings and it is a very interesting story to follow. Most of us have no idea where our food is coming from or what is in it.

Our food also changed in the 1940's when Fritz Haber invented chemical fertilizers which has led us to the world we live in today. Chemicals used to make bombs are the fertilizers of today's world.

My interest in becoming healthier started when I began my search to  resolve my acid reflux and stomach pains. An experiment to give up meat and dairy turned into a quest for better health. I found a new type of doctor called a "Naturopath", a doctor who practices natural medicine. The book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About" brought awareness of all the chemicals in our food, water and body care products from pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics and prescription drugs. I became aware of GMO's (genetically modified organisms) that are added to our food without our consent or knowledge.

I began reading about food and our food system; watching movies (Supersize Me, Food Inc, Food Matters, King Corn) on the same subject matter. I learned things I didn't really want to know about large-scale farming, factory farming, animal abuse on a large scale, and how these so called farms produce our food.

How about EXERCISE?

I'm a work in progress. We've all heard it "Get regular exercise". For the most part, I have always been semi-active. My hobbies include cycling, hiking, snowshoeing and kayaking; however, I am mostly a weekend warrior. I have a sit down job and  getting my heart rate up once or twice a week just isn't enough. I set a goal to ride 100 miles on my bicycle a few years ago. At first it seemed impossible, the best I could do at the time was 30 miles. When I began reading about long distance cycling I learned the importance of keeping my heart rate in check and my pedaling at a consistent rate or rpm. I had been pushing my heart way out of it's threshold whenever I exercised. I started wearing a heart monitor and found if I was consistent and kept my heart rate within the parameters for my age I felt better longer. I also switched from water to an electrolyte drink. In the beginning I bought one from Clif; then, I started making my own with a recipe from "Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life ". Eating a little protein or energy bars every hour or so while exercising provides important energy too. Not only did my bicycle riding get better, but so did my hiking,  snowshoeing and energy levels in every day life. In 2010 I accomplished my first 100 mile bicycle ride at 52 years old and have done several since. I feel better when I exercise and it doesn't have to be much. A 30 minute walk or bicycle ride makes me feel great! Several hours, bonus!

Think much about STRESS? Both mental and physical 

Stress affects our health every day. This is an area I struggle with. Both my naturopath and holistic health coach taught me ways to de-stress or unwind. An unhealthy diet can also stress our body. Proper nutrition, exercise and some type of meditation are all beneficial to our lives. It does not have to been practiced meditation. Since I was a young boy I have always found comfort in walking in the woods alone. For some, it's listening to classical music. Others find painting or sewing relaxing. I have a favorite place I like to go and sit. What ever it is, it is important to find the time to relax your mind and body.

Am I healthy? What is Healthy?

I guess we all need to find our own answer to that. For me, it was reducing the amount of chemicals I put in and on my body. Preparing my own meals from scratch using organic, non-gmo ingredients. Attempting to get consistent and regular exercise. Enjoying my hobbies more often. Practicing some kind of stress relief methods and remembering to laugh. I think we all need to remember to live in the moment and enjoy life.

Hopefully you find this interesting and helpful.