The good news is the I have not had any heartburn, acid reflux, gerd or hiatal hernia issues. I am often awestruck that I no longer even think about carrying vinegar, DGL or digestive enzymes "just in case" something happens.
Last fall, I decided to add fish and eggs back into my diet. The initial reason was so I could reduce the amount of soy that I was eating, without having to increase my thought process on protein sources or food prep time. I have enjoyed losing the "vegan" label, though I still cook mostly vegan recipes on a weekly basis. Losing the label has helped me to lighten up when I am out with friends and also not to pick apart food that is placed in front of me. Of course, the risk is that I might eat a food that does not agree with me. I know that dairy was a major cause of my digestive issues and I try to keep my consumption to a minimum. I have been using organic butter on my toast; if I can find goat butter that is my first choice.
Another change is adding craft beers back. There were a number of reasons why I had removed alcohol from my life. One factor was acid reflux; at the worst point drinking an alcoholic beverage was like setting my insides on fire. It was no longer enjoyable and had to be stopped. In the past couple years an occasional beer had been enjoyed after a long hike or reunion with an old friend(s) and I found that I could not only painlessly enjoy it; I also savored the flavors and appreciated the craftsmanship that goes into the making of a good brew; I also missed the social aspect of having a beer.
So eggs, fish, butter and beer are the new weekly commonplace foods and I have suffered no ill effects. I have also been making my own almond milk weekly and consuming lots of dark chocolate.
My one setback since September is that I have gained about 20 lbs; I'm not happy about that. We all have addictions and cravings and mine are barbeque chips and chocolate; the lack of consistent exercise is also a factor. I still get out and hike, bicycle and kayak, but it is not as consistent as it should be. I am making an effort to eat less chocolate and fewer chips too. Hopefully, I get back to a preferred weight before winter.
I went for a physical in January and passed with flying colors. I also saw a dermatologist and had some spots burned off my face. Recently, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and now sleep with a c-pap machine each night or day, depending on my schedule. The c-pap machine has made a big difference in my energy level and how I feel. It's only month two of using it and I expect to see results in weight-loss and activity levels because of it.
To wrap things up; eating wild caught fish, free range organic eggs and relaxing my dietary requirements has helped me feel happier without compromising my health. I am a strong, vibrant, energy filled person that is enjoying life without the pain of acid reflux or the cost and complications of prescription medicine.
The American diet is the cause of many of the health issues in this country; many will never put the two together. In my case it was by chance and with no other alternatives that I investigated changing my diet. Education and awareness is the key to living a healthy and rewarding life.