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Severe chest pain, is how I remember that day in the mid 1990's. I had arrived at work, shortly after exercising at the fitness center ...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Wanna Know What's in My Food and Body Care Products.

Lately events, commercials and articles have driven me to write this post. It's very simple, I want to know what is in my food and body care products!

1.) To recently find out that Aspartame is going to be called a "Natural Sweetener" and that "Wood" is a common ingredient in much of our processed foods that we are feeding our children.

2.) To know that Johnson and Johnson is selling their baby care products in the USA with toxic ingredients while they have removed the ingredients in Europe because those countries demanded it.

3.) The FDA and USDA have decided that labeling genetically modified foods somehow implies that there is something wrong with the food and therefore refuse to pass regulations for labeling.

I recently read Micheal Pollen's book "In Defense of Food". The government has known since the 1970's that our diet was unhealthy and killing us, but has not done anything to change it. A Senate Select Committee led by George McGovern recommended that we eat less meat and dairy. After pressure from the Meat and Dairy industry that recommendation was reworded to less fat and cholesterol in our diets.

There are movements in America at present for the Right to Know. Follow the link to  Vermont Right to Know for more information.

Information about Safe Cosmetics can be found at http://safecosmetics.org/
It's really up to us to make sure we have healthy, nutritious food. It is getting more difficult to find it with factory farming and large conventional agriculture filling our supermarkets. Our conventional food has less omega 3's and natural vitamins because the soil has been stripped of its nutrients and they are not being replenished.

Whenever possible we should be buying grass fed beef, free-range chickens and eggs and local or organic fruits and vegetables.

I also highly recommend buying USDA organic body care products.